Thursday, January 8, 2009

Adapting to the Mission

What is your mission? Does it involve sacrifice or are you just trying to eek each day out? As Christians our mission is glorify God in everything we do. This may take on different faces in each person's life. Some may be called to preach, some may be called to build houses, but at the end of the it is your mission to glorify God.

Recently at work, an interesting event took place that showed me how some have a slight misconception of the mission. A lady was sitting at a table when a coworker of mine walked to see how she was doing. And then it happened, the lady at the table told my co-worker how she needed Jesus(which is a good thing), and then proceeded to tell her to repeat the prayer of easy-believism(which does not make you saved). After my co-worker followed these steps the customer pronounced my co-worker to be "born-again".

Two days after these events transpired, my co-worker told she a funny story to tell. She proceeded to tell me the aforementioned story and then asked me what I thought. I told her a mere prayer of that nature does not make you a Christian, but belief in Jesus and his sacrifice for your sins and repentance of your sin would be a better start. We then meandered into a small biblical conversation for the next 15 minutes, at which she requested a Bible, so she could read it.

The above event one example of living a life on mission. I've worked at the same joint for two years and this girl had never engaged in any type of spiritual conversation. I asked her later why she decided to ask me these questions. It was because she observed me at work and knew I was a Christian. She said she was more willing to trust what I said about Jesus then some random lady.

Why do I give this example? In certain Christian circles, there seems to an impetus to get out and win as many converts as you can, as if we are in some wild game. Though it is a good idea to want to see converts, if you are only doing it to generate numbers as it appears this lady was doing, you are missing the boat. Our sole purpose on earth is glorify God, through God's glorification people will see our love. It may take one day to see a convert or it could take 5 years, as in the case of Adoniram Judson. No matter the case, don't get caught up if you aren't see any converts, make sure the life you lead is to God's glory and to His mission and God will take care of the rest.

*As a side note, Judson's first convert came 5 years into his ministry. 10 years later he was up to only 18 . Shortly after his death, it is estimated there were nearly 210,000 Burmese who had placed their faith in Christ alone.

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