Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Those crazy emergents

While reading an article in Time magazine about N.T. Wright's forthcoming book on bodily resurrection I couldn't help but wonder who reads all this stuff. So, I did some digging through various blogs and found the emergent folks are the ones who seem to have a man crush on this dude. Which got me thinking, that the emergent church reminds of old style fundamentalism, expect with more pastels, goofy paintings, yoga sessions, and other stuff you would associate with people marching in a gay pride parade.
I grew up in an era where God was vengeful and if you made a mistake you were smoked. Now, we have the emergent crowd who seem to like the idea of a sissy Christ who picks daisies, gets a manicure, and then ends the day drinking a wine cooler. They spend so much useless time haggling over "Does your real body go to heaven, or does your soul?" I'm starting to wonder if their missing the point of Jesus died for you and when your saved you go to heaven...Does it matter how or when we get there.
I believe they are making a fatal mistake by placing time according to the human element next to time according to Jesus. Sure, you can make the case that their could be a slight delay, in human terms, of when you "officially" go to heaven, but then time is completely different according to Jesus. So, is there really a delay at all?, if a thousand years in heaven is like a day on earth?
Frankly, these emergents need to grow a pair balls and teach Christ died for your sins and you are saved when you repent and seek His mercy. If they want to keep screwing around with their loony debates, maybe they can pack their grateful dead cd's and baloney sandwiches and move to San Fran.