Saturday, February 2, 2008

Unsynchromized Thoughts

Here's a couple of obscure thoughts to sink your noodle on...
If you watch a documentary on WWII and it's black and white you always think of those images in black and white, but if you talk to veteran whose was in the specific battle he remember those images in vivid color. Think on both can talk about the same images to each other but you transmit the images to your head in black and white, while when the old vet talk about those images he sees them in color...

And for one more obscure thought...if you are a pre millennial pre trib type of dude and the Bible speaks of the Second Coming of Christ...well, if are a pre trib wouldn't you have to have 3rd coming of Christ...I put myself in the category of I'm saved and I'll go to Heaven and how I get there is of zero concern to me.

And one more Art Bellesque thought...since sound waves are constantly traveling and don't technically vanish into thin air...Would it not be scientifically possible to create some sort of device that could decode these waves and listen to conversations in the past?

For the sake of my 2 readers, I have not been drinking tonight...unless you count the pomegranate juice sitting forward of the mouse

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Fear of Failure

While preparing to preach on February 17th, I've taken to reading various resources on the methodology of preaching. Needless to say, every time I read something I feel as though I'm not adequately prepared. Which leads to reading some more, and then having doubts, and then reading more, and so on and so forth.
Then it hit me one day, I can read every book, listen to every podcast, talk to every pastor, but unless I seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit I will be doomed for failure.
Before each reading, I've found it necessary to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. we can prepare for something as long and as hard as we can, but unless we can prayerfully seek guidance, we will sound foolish. And the message that was needed to be conveyed will be lost in our sin of pride.